Rsvp Card Wording Rsvp Card Wording Funny

Having trouble finding the right words to use to RSVP for an event? worry no more. You can sit back and browse through our list of some of the most brilliant RSVP wording ideas for any occasion. An RSVP card is one of the ways to give your guest a first impression, set the tone of the event, and display a bit of your personality. Before you start infusing your personality into your RSVP card, remember that it must serve its practical purpose. Here are a few tips on what your RSVP card should say, regardless of the style you use.

Why RSVP Cards Are Necessary For The Success Of Any Event

An RSVP card is a fairly basic but effective tool used to collect relevant information about the invitee's plans for an event. Depending on the occasion, this information can range from your guest's meal of choice, if they will be bringing a guest, to most importantly, if they will be attending. Here is a more in-depth breakdown of everything an RSVP card should say.

  • A Place for Guests to Fill Out Their Names: Knowing the names of which guests will be in attendance is an essential part of planning your events, such as crafting table place cards, meal plans, and seating charts. That is why you must have space for guests to write in their name and the names of their accompanying attendees.
  • A Due Date for the Reply: An RSVP card is no good if it does not arrive in time for the information to factor into your plans. It should come with a set due date, usually four to eight weeks before the event, written legibly on the card.
  • Will Attend/Won't Attend Space: Regardless of the creative choice you deploy, your RSVP card should have a space that corresponds to each recipient's decision about attending the event. Most people go with two tick boxes of 'Will Attend' and 'Won't Attend'; as disappointing as getting answers in the latter category might be, offering people a choice to decline is necessary, especially for your budget.
  • Choice of Food: A selection of the meals you will be serving at your wedding is also vital information to have in your RSVP invitation. It allows you to budget appropriately and gives guests with special needs an option to state their preferences. If you are having a buffet, this section will not be necessary.
  • Additional Requests: this is optional, but you can also include a space for guests to make other requests or pass extra information. You can use this for fun requests, such as playful advice for the newlyweds or the song that would get you on the dance floor.
  • Return Address: Finally, the RSVP card must have a return address. It might not match the address on the main invitation. Still, there has to be one, preferably the address of the person collecting the replies. For example, if it is a wedding, the return address could be the bride or bride's mother's address.

RSVP Wording Ideas For Formal Invitations

RSVP Wording Ideas
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If you plan to send invitations to people outside your immediate social circle, it is best to stick with a formal RSVP wording format. That way, you cater to a uniform standard of communication among all categories of potential attendees. Check out these examples to get started.

  • Accept: Will Attend
  • Decline:Unable to attend
  • Accept: Accepts With Pleasure
  • Decline: Declines With Regret
  • Accept: Graciously accept
  • Decline:Respectfully decline
  • Accept: Happily accept
  • Decline:Cannot attend
  • Accept: Looking forward to attending
  • Decline: Disappointed we cannot make it
  • Accept: Delighted to attend
  • Decline: Sorry to miss it
  • Accept: Gladly accepts
  • Decline: Politely declines
  • Accept: Yes! See you soon
  • Decline: Sorry! I'd love to but can't

Use Funny RSVP Cards When Inviting Friends

If you are sending invites out to close members of your social circle, and you don't mind risking the question marks that might come with informality, then being funny is always a good idea. It sets the tone for the event and reminds everyone it is all about having a good time. You don't have to worry about coming up with funny RSVP wording ideas. Here are a few for you.

  • Accept:Yes, let's raise the roof
  • Decline:No, and I'll forever regret this decision
  • Accept: Hell yes!
  • Decline: Damn, can't make it
  • Accept: Yes! We are stepping up to the plate
  • Decline: No, sorry! We are out of the season
  • Accept: Will be there along with my three favourite vowels, OUI!
  • Decline: Pardon my French but sorry, we can't make its
  • Accept: You can bet your bottom dollar we're attending!
  • Decline: We don't bet. And, sadly, we still can't attend
  • Accept: Yes! We'll move mountains to get there
  • Decline:Sorry, having trouble moving the mountain! Won't be able to make it
  • Accept:A Thousand Times Yes!
  • Decline:Sadly, we can't make it, but we have a good excuse
  • Accept:Will be there with bells on! / Will be there, but I don't do bells / Will be there, undecided about bells
  • Decline:Won't be there, heard about the bells / Won't be there, with or without bells
  • Accept: Will be there to party
  • Decline: Sorry, but will be drinking from afar

RSVP Wording For Destination Invites Should Be Fun

An event set for an exotic location already stands out, and it is only right for that fact to reflect in the RSVP card. Considering such events often only involve close friends and family, you should feel free to deploy witty and funny wording to set the tone for the occasion.

  • Accept:Bags are packed!
  • Decline:Will be thinking of you at home
  • Accept:Away we go!
  • Decline: Sorry, I'll have to say no
  • Accept:Ready for take-off!
  • Decline:Sending best wishes
  • Accept:Our sails are set, and we'll be there!
  • Decline:Sorry, we will be berthed somewhere else that day
  • Accept:The sands are calling my name
  • Decline:Sorry, allergic to sand
  • Accept:Green light! We can make the trip!
  • Decline:Red light! We'll have to pass
  • Accept:Come rain or shine… we'll be there!
  • Decline:Very sorry. Out of sunscreen and umbrellas!
  • Accept:Can't wait to blaze trails with you
  • Decline:Sadly, all booked up.
  • Accept:All Aboard
  • Decline:I am afraid of the ocean
  • Accept:Aye Aye Cap'n
  • Decline:No wind in my sails.

Do not forget to send out your RSVP at least eight weeks in advance and a reply date four weeks to the event. It will give everyone a chance to arrange their schedule for the big day.

Unique RSVP Wording Ideas To Impress Guests

An RSVP card that stands out from the pack is one of the easiest ways to drum up excitement for your event. You will be surprised at the number of maybes or outright Nos you can turn into a yes or 'hell yes' with a uniquely worded invitation. The bad news? You are probably not sure what to say. The good news? We've got a few RSVP wording ideas for you to try.

  • Accept:Yes! We are SO there / Can't commit, but I'll probably show up anyway!
  • Decline:Sorry! Can't make it
  • Accept:Got my dancing shoes
  • Decline:Oops, my dance card is full
  • Accept:Excitedly Attend / Unexcitedly Attend
  • Decline:Sorrowfully Decline / Excitedly Decline
  • Accept:Deal me in
  • Decline:Sitting out
  • Accept:Yeehaw, we're there
  • Decline:Shoot, can't make it!
  • Accept:I have my party hat on already
  • Decline:Unfortunately, our schedule sprung a leak
  • Accept:Gladly! We're full of jolly
  • Decline:Sorry! Cannot join in the jolly
  • Accept:Consider your request accepted
  • Decline:Declined with Prejudice
  • Accept:Excited to Attend
  • Decline:Sadly Must Decline

How To Respond To RSVP

As the recipient, after filling out the card, you are also encouraged to write a short message possibly in the form of a letter, as part of the social etiquette, especially for a formal or semi-formal invitation. To do this, here are a few tips on how to fill out a card and write an RSVP message.

How to Fill Out RSVP Invitation

  • Keep it Simple and Elegant: if you are writing a letter, going straight to the point is always a good idea. The letter's purpose is to give you more room to express your appreciation at the invitation and decision to attend, or possibly an explanation if you're declining. Stick to the purpose and write distinctively.
  • Decline Respectfully: for whatever reason, you might not be able to attend the event. In your letter of decline or the card, try and be respectful and remorseful as much as possible. There is no reason to express antagonism in your RSVP message.
  • Write legibly: whether you are filling out the card or writing a letter in response, always remember to write clearly. The hosts rely on your card or letter to create their master guest list. Your reply is no good if they cannot read it, so endeavour to reply clearly and readably.
  • Send out the RSVP card ASAP: Not only is it valuable to the planning process, but it is also a sign of respect and enthusiasm for the big day. Although under certain circumstances, providing early feedback may not be possible, still, it is always best to fill out the invitation and send it back immediately after receiving it.
  • Include full names: make life easy for the hosts by writing your name in full, even if you have a friendly relationship with the host(s). Also, include the full name of your plus one if you are bringing one. It will aid in getting an accurate headcount and seating chart.

How to Acknowledge an RSVP Response

RSVP Wording Ideas
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Acknowledging an RSVP response is not common, especially if you have sent out tens and hundreds of invitations; it is generally considered stressful and unnecessary. Nevertheless, if there is an issue with individual responses, it makes sense for you to reach out for proper clarification.

However, if you have sent out a small pool of invites, perhaps for intimate events like a baby shower or wedding anniversary, then you could send out responses in acknowledgement. Considering this is likely to involve close friends and family, feel free to be casual and informal. Here are a few wording ideas you can use to acknowledge an RSVP response.

  • Delighted to hear you are locked in for the [insert date]. My eyes will be on the lookout for you in the sea of crowded eyes.
  • It is officially a party! Can't wait to create tons of new memories with you.
  • A few guests have said yes, but none has made me squeak in excitement as receiving yours.
  • You have chosen wisely. Prepare to party like it is 1999.
  • Light. Action. The [insert surname of hosts] is officially a go!

Additionally, if you insist on sending a reply to each response, in that case, you can use various softwares and save yourself a lot of working hours. You can ask guests to RSVP online on your marriage website and create an automatic email reply for each response.

How do you respond to a declined RSVP?

No one wants a declined RSVP, especially if you worded it brilliantly or it is coming from someone you were looking forward to having at your event. Then again, that is not as bad as those who ignore them. If you get a declined RSVP, do not feel the need to respond, especially if it comes from someone you are not close to. However, if their decline has come as a surprise and their message expressed little explanation, you can reach out to them via email or a phone call.

If they have made a reasonable explanation as to why, and you still feel the need to acknowledge their decline, here are wording ideas or examples you can use to respond to their RSVP decline.

  • I am sorry you will not be able to attend our event. We will surely feel your absence. Looking forward to sending you all the pictures.
  • Disappointed to hear you will not be attending the wedding. I know we are not in a good place, but it will be nice to have you there. [co-host] and I hope you change your mind.
  • It is a shame but I understand you cannot make it. I will forward your pleasantries and best wishes to the couple.
  • It is no party until you are there. Sad to hear you won't make it this time. I will do my best to channel your spirit at the celebration.
  • Shame we will not be having you at our event. I know you are as disappointed as we are.


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